
My most fevorite artist

この美しいEdward HopperはNew Yorkのホイットニー美術館が所蔵する「A Woman in the Sun,1961」という作品です。

画家は静止した人物画ではなく過去の記憶と空想が入り混じったファンタジーとしてのストーリーを切り取りFilm Stillのように描きました。まるで映画の一シーンのような絵画の鑑賞者は前後のストーリーを読み解こうと想像力を働かせてしまう。
Cindy ShermanによるUntitle Film StillシリーズにHopperとの類似性を感じるのは私だけでしょうか?)


This beautiful Edward Hopper piece is titled "A Woman in the Sun, 1961" and is housed at the Whitney Museum in New York. It is one of a series of works that features Hopper's wife, Josephine, as a model, who was 78 years old at the time. Instead of painting a realistic portrayal of what he saw, Hopper translated the physical appearance of the subject into an image in his mind and depicted it.

The elderly figure of his wife is transformed within the artist's mind, appearing as a young, radiant figure bathed in sunlight. Rather than depicting a stationary figure, the painter captures a blend of past memories and imagination, rendering it as a fantasy-like story, much like a film still. The painting evokes the feeling of a scene from a movie, prompting the viewer to use their imagination to decipher the story before and after the captured moment. (Am I the only one who sees a resemblance between this and Cindy Sherman's "Untitled Film Still" series?)

There's an implied presence of another viewer, a "peeping" eye, evoking the influence of Vermeer's paintings.