
My most fevorite artist

この美しいエドワード・ホッパーの作品は、ニューヨークのホイットニー美術館が所蔵する『A Woman in the Sun, 1961』です。ホッパーの妻、ジョゼフィンをモデルにした一連の作品のひとつで、彼女は当時78歳でした。しかし、ホッパーは見たままを写実的に描くのではなく、彼女の外見を自分の心象に基づいて再構成し描写しました。


シンディ・シャーマンの「Untitled Film Stills」シリーズに、ホッパーとの共通点を感じるのは私だけでしょうか?両者の作品には、物語の断片としてのイメージを鑑賞者に提供する点で類似性があります。


This beautiful work by Edward Hopper is titled "A Woman in the Sun, 1961", and is part of the collection at the Whitney Museum in New York. It is one of a series of paintings for which Hopper’s wife, Josephine, served as the model, and she was 78 years old at the time. However, instead of portraying her realistically as she appeared, Hopper reinterpreted her outward appearance based on his own mental imagery.

In the painting, his elderly wife is transformed into a young and beautiful figure, basking in the sunlight, thanks to the artist’s memories and imagination. Rather than depicting a static portrait, Hopper captures a scene that blends memories and fantasy, as if freezing a moment from a story—much like a film still. Viewers are compelled to imagine the story that unfolds before and after this moment.

I wonder, am I the only one who finds similarities between Hopper’s work and Cindy Sherman’s "Untitled Film Stills" series? Both artists provide the viewer with an image that feels like a fragment of a larger narrative.

Additionally, Hopper’s work often presumes a second, voyeuristic perspective from the viewer, which brings to mind the intimate, private scenes captured in Vermeer’s paintings.