
名和晃平 Kohei Nawa/Direction






The "Direction" series explores and visualizes the fundamental and powerful forces of nature. In this series, Kohei Nawa tilts the canvas at a specific angle of approximately 11 degrees, aligning it with the angle between the Earth's rotational axis and geomagnetic axis when mounted on the wall.

During the creation process, paint is poured from the top of the slanted canvas, allowing gravity to cause the paint to flow down and form very smooth and uniform lines.

Just as Leonardo da Vinci pursued the beauty of nature using the golden ratio, Kohei Nawa utilizes the 11-degree angle inherent to the Earth to explore the harmony and order inherent in the natural world. His technique replicates the structural features of the natural world on a contemporary canvas, conveying the beauty of nature to the viewer.

Thus, the "Direction" series incorporates gravity—a fundamental element for life—into its creative process, highlighting the relationship between beauty and nature.



                                                                                Photo by Toshihiko Murakami




At IDOCHA, we regularly invite a small number of guests to partake in what we call the "Ultimate Pastime". While the name might sound extravagant, our aim is to provide our guests with an extraordinary experience. The concept was inspired by the tea ceremonies of the Momoyama era, considered the "ultimate pastimes" of their time. Our endeavor seeks to recreate those tea ceremonies in a contemporary style, free from rigid formality.

In a space surrounded by art, guests savor kaiseki cuisine made from carefully selected ingredients by a first-class chef, accompanied by beautiful sweets, all served on ceramics crafted by Kouichi Uchida specifically for this occasion. The culinary experience is brought to life by Yuushi Tsuda, who has honed his skills at the three-star Kyoto restaurant "Mizai" for 13 years, and the artistic sweets are provided by Sayoko Sugiyama of "Okashi Maru". The ambiance of extraordinary is created by Hayato Nishiyama, our chosen florist.

The theme of the day is "Time". While art and ceramics exist beyond the constraints of time, the forms of food, sweets, and live flowers are lost. The special moments shared by host and guest share the same fate. However, it is the fleeting nature of these elements that accentuates their beauty and deliciousness. Even when all physical traces are gone, sharing these experiences through words creates a story of 'Time', birthing new values again.


名和晃平 Kohei Nawa / White code #35

                                                                  Photo by Toshihiko Murakami
Kohei Nawa / White code #35



White code #35」は、大地の降り注いだ雪のようでもあり、プログラムコードのようでもあり、アナログとデジタルの中間に位置する作品です。

私は、この作品を最初に見た時、Agnes MartinのThe Islandsを想起しました。


Agnes Martinのキャンバスは人の手によって作られてきた秩序のようなもの、清潔で純粋で禅のような信仰心を感じさせます。

一方、「White code #35」は、21世紀のデジタル社会を反映した作品であり、非常に現代的な雰囲気を醸し出しています。それぞれが土色と白色のミニマルな色調を持つこれら二つの作品は、作家の生きた時代と環境によって異なる感覚を視覚的に伝えています。

"White code #35" is an abstract painting created using a technique where drops of white paint are caught on horizontally moving linen fabric, arranged in a linear pattern, and fixed in place by connecting or interrupting them, all while controlling the viscosity of the paint, the size of the holes through which the paint flows, and the speed at which the fabric is moved. The artist did not use their body to create the painting but rather controlled the paint's viscosity, the size of the holes through which the paint flows, and the speed at which the fabric is moved.

"White code #35" resembles both snow falling on the earth and programming code, occupying an intermediate space between analog and digital art forms.

When I first saw this artwork, it reminded me of Agnes Martin's "The Islands". That work features a small arrangement of white squares on a background of earthy brown, created by painting the canvas a light brown color, drawing a grid in pencil by hand, and filling in the grid squares with white paint in a regular pattern.

Agnes Martin's canvases evoke a sense of order created by human hands, conveying a clean, pure, and Zen-like faith. In contrast, "White code #35" reflects the digital society of the 21st century and exudes a very contemporary atmosphere. While these works give off a minimal, clean impression of brown and white, they are strongly influenced by the era and environment in which the artist lived, giving a different sense altogether.



Diller and Scofidio は、霧を建築材に使った画期的な建築を設計したが、中谷芙二子は世界で初めて霧を材料に彫刻を創ったアーティストである。1970年の大阪エキスポで初めて「霧の彫刻」を発表し、以後、霧を素材に世界各地に80以上の霧の彫刻を設営した。





Diller and Scofidio used fog as a building material to create innovative architecture. On the other hand, Fujiko Nakaya was the first artist to use fog as a material for sculptures, showcasing her "Fog Sculptures" for the first time at the Osaka Expo in 1970. She has since installed over 80 fog sculptures in various locations around the world.

Alexander Calder revolutionized the traditional idea of sculptures needing to have a solid material like stone or bronze with a stable form. In the 1930s, Calder invented sculptures that change shape in response to wind. However, Calder's sculptures still had a center of gravity that remained unchanged.

Fujiko went a step further by eliminating the need for a fixed center of gravity in sculptures. Her sculptures not only allow for viewing from the outside, but also allow for viewing from the inside, surrounded by the constantly changing and vibrating natural veil of fog.

Just as Leonardo da Vinci tried to depict the quality of air by blurring objects in the distance, Fujiko used the natural veil of fog to blur the surroundings and recreate a sfumato effect in her sculptures.


Blur Building

Diller and Scofidio 設計の Blur Building(霧の建物) は、スイスの西部にあるヌーシャテル湖の南に建てられた2002年スイス・エキスポのためのパビリオンである。その名の通り、建物を覆う外部との境界線は霧でできている。霧なので、天候に大きな影響を受ける。風が吹くと流される。気温の変化で上下に動く。






The Blur Building designed by Diller and Scofidio is a pavilion built for the 2002 Swiss Expo in Nussloch Lake in Western Switzerland. As its name implies, the building is surrounded by a mist that blurs the boundary between the exterior and interior of the building. 

The mist is affected by the weather and can move with changes in wind and temperature. Inside the building, with limited visibility, the experience is focused on sensory stimuli other than sight, such as sound and smell, as visitors move forward cautiously. This low-resolution world contrasts with the high-resolution digital images that we are familiar with. 

The realization of a metasocial reality where avatars live in high-resolution virtual spaces is imminent, but the low-resolution reality within the mist runs counter to the progress of society. The experience of the Blur Building is a reminder of how the natural veil of mist can transform the high-resolution world and stimulate our brains artistically.

I once had a memorable experience in Taj Mahal, India. Taj Mahal is a tomb built by an Indian king for his beloved wife who passed away at a young age. From the opposite bank of the river, I was admiring the Taj Mahal with its beautiful outlines, reflecting the king's memories of his late wife. However, soon the sky turned cloudy and it started raining. The surroundings were enveloped in a thick mist, and the beauty of the Taj Mahal faded into the darkness, becoming barely visible. 

Despite coming all the way to India to see the Taj Mahal, I was filled with regret. But, eventually, the mist started to clear, and the Taj Mahal regained its white and beautiful appearance, shining under the sunlight. The whole experience, like a dream, lasted only about 10 minutes. The mist is a natural veil that can change the high-resolution world and sometimes, it stimulates our brains poetically and becomes an artistic medium for building and construction.